Zöld Ház Ételbár | Green House Cafeteria is a gaiety trendy, up-to-date zippy self-service restaurant in the heart of the 13th district. The place, where
the seasonably changing decoration-ambience meet stunning restaurant style cuisine, conducted by a self-devoted Chef. The range of the dishes it’s covering the traditional,
as well as the new and rephrased meals too. Always there are used fresh, good quality and seasonal ingredients. During the day our cafeteria fits for the rushing style of the city
but guarantees a savory breakfast, a multi-course lunch, followed by a coffee, tea or sparkling and natural refreshments, all of this in a peaceful, calm environment.
Why us? In so far for all of this.
Breakfast – Lunch – Snack!
Premium category meals in the premium category Green House Office-Block.